I’m studying the raw CSAP data that just came out, and I’m balancing it against some pupil data from the Colorado Department of Education.
Here’s a very interesting piece of information I came across. It appears that nearly 10 percent of all kids that should be going to DPS, aren’t. In raw dollars, that amounts to roughly $44 million a year that we lose in state funding for these kids.
Of particular concern to southwest Denver are the 2,393 students going to Jefferson County schools. That’s roughly $14.3 million in state funds leaving for Jeffco alone.
Why aren’t these kids going to DPS? It’s a great question.
In fairness, though, CDE’s data also says that 5,348 students that reside in other school districts come to Denver. That’s roughly 7% of our student population. Here’s that spreadsheet. And 1,073 students are coming from Jeffco.
Here’s the data on the outgoing students, though:
It is actually closer to 30 percent of all kids that should be going to DPS, aren’t.
Oh…you’re looking at that presentation that was given to the Board a little while back. This is another situation in which the Board gets info that isn’t substantiated at the Colorado Department of Education. I can’t imagine why the numbers are inflated in what we see. They’re trying to justify something.