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[emailpetition id=”26028″]Update: the bill was heard in committee today, with great testimony by my colleagues, Jeannie Kaplan and Arturo Jimenez.  The chair decided to lay the bill over because one of the members was missing.  Please, keep the calls and emails coming!

Folks, the bill to limit campaign donations to school board races will be brought before the Colorado House State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee today, very shortly. This is the first hurdle the bill has to pass, so please call the members of the committee to ask them to support.

Why? Because local communities deserve localized decision-making that is unencumbered by outside influence and cash.  Also, many of the high-stakes testing methods that are dominating the precious time for learning and teaching, as well as stripping away all the other parts of education that are just as important, are also pushed by the same individuals that gave nearly $1M altogether.

Why should people who don’t live in Denver, or who have never had kids attend Denver’s schools, have more of a say in how Denver’s kids are educated?

The list of people on the committee are below.  Please contact them ASAP.

  • Jim Kerr, james.kerr.house@state.co.us, 303-866-2939
  • Don Coram, don.coram.house@state.co.us, 303-866-2955
  • Randy Baumgardner, randy.baumgardner.house@state.co.us, 303-866-2949
  • Ed Casso, edward.casso.house@state.co.us, 303-866-2964
  • Lois Court, lois.court.house@state.co.us, 303-866-2967
  • Crisanta Duran, crisanta.duran.house@state.co.us, 303-866-2925
  • Larry Liston, larry.liston.house@state.co.us, 303-866-2965
  • Nancy Todd, nancy.todd.house@state.co.us, 303-866-2919
  • Mark Waller, mark.waller.house@state.co.us, 303-866-5525

I called and also emailed.  I’m offering up my email content to help you craft your own.  Be sure to speak from your heart!

Good morning!

Hopefully you will have a chance to consider HB 12-1067 in committee today, the bill to limit contributions to school and RTD board races.  I am asking for your support for one specific reason: local control.
As a school board member, I can tell you that parents become very frustrated when outside influences have more of a say in what happens to their child at school than they do, even though they’re the taxpayer!  I believe very strongly in that hallowed Colorado tradition of local control, because I believe that parents know what’s best for their child.
When outside influences and cash drown out the voices of parents, we interfere with parents’ constitutional rights to advocate for their children.  As a person who loves our constitution as much as I do, I know this matters to you.
Please…when the bill comes before you in committee today, please support it.  Let’s give parents the support they need to be active and involved in the policies that matter to their kids.  Parents know best.
Thank you!


Let me know how it went, and PLEASE SHARE. Thanks!