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A tribute to my mother

My mother, Sylvia Consuelo Cuéllar de Mérida, passed away on March 22, during hospitalization for a very swift and virulent illness.  She passed in a quiet, darkened room with one of my brothers and a nephew present, while my own small clan and I were grabbing a bite...

Is Tom Boasberg fired?

The speculation is flying around in a fury this morning, because of this email that DPS staff got today: Dear Team DPS, We would like to let you know that our superintendent, Tom Boasberg, is choosing to take unpaid family leave for six months beginning in January....

My advice for the Nov 2015 ballot initiatives

Here are my thoughts about this year’s selection of questions for the Denver ballot.  Disclaimer: I eschew neoliberal policy without question. Denver 1A: Intergovernmental Agreement with Adams County Supposedly upon passage, “the measure would open up...

Tecza: Vote NO on 2C

NOTE: Thad Tecza is a veteran political science professor and longtime Denver resident.  I’m posting his insight on 2C, which appears on the Denver ballot for this election.  I agree that we should all vote NO. Citizens of Denver, The September Finance Reports...