by tech | Aug 6, 2012 | Board of Education, DPS Finances
UPDATE: The district has come up with three community meetings to try to convince you about the bond. Please try to attend: August 13 @ 6pm – Garden Place August 15 @ 6pm – Morey August 16 @ 6pm – Kepner We’ve been discussing the proposed bond and mill...
by tech | Jan 27, 2012 | DPS Finances
Here’s an update on the board spending situation. It was reported recently that I had “Xbox” and “Netflix” charges on my statement. Those credit-card charges are fraudulent, and we’ve disputed the charges. We just received word...
by tech | Mar 17, 2011 | DPS Finances
Well, we did it. Tonight, we approved a deal that would place 50 percent of the interest-rate swaps into fixed-rate instruments, and the rest still in swaps. It was, I think, a good compromise, given the current state of the market and the impact on our cash flow....
by tech | Mar 9, 2011 | Board of Education, DPS Finances
With April 24 looms an important deadline for DPS’ finances. This is the date in which one of the key stakeholders in our volatile pension financing scheme contractually bows out of the deal, potentially leaving us with having to cough up $750 million in cash...
by tech | Sep 29, 2010 | Board of Education, DPS Finances
For those of you that have been paying attention the the issues around the DPS pensions, the latest update is that the state legislature’s audit committee just reported that the Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA)’s school division is sound. ...
by tech | Jul 26, 2010 | DPS Finances
This video is about an hour and a half long, but it shows the tenor of the discussion about the pension payment shortfall. Let’s discuss.
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