Andrea Merida, Denver School Board Director running for re-election in Southwest Denver, released this statement in response to the decision of the Denver Classroom Teachers Association to not endorse her candidacy.
“It’s clear that this decision is in retaliation for my vote to support the termination of the ineffective teachers among the more than 200 probationary teachers terminated just three weeks ago. It unfortunately is an action that does not reflect the work of thousands of good teachers in Denver Public Schools, and underscores why DCTA’s leadership represents one of the most substantial barriers to real and meaningful reform in Denver and fulfilling the promise of so many Denver children and families.”
The DCTA is making a grave mistake by not supporting one of the most vocal and consistent advocates for teachers on a board that’s been well-known as being extremely unfriendly to teachers.
It is unfortunate in this time when it is possible to turn the dreaded 4/3 corporate favoring split around the DCTA has chosen to create further divisiveness and place the interests of their teacher constituents behind their interest in political gamesmanship.
If nothing else, this is a clear indication that the leadership within the DCTA drastically needs to be reformed.
Andrea has been the one supporting me through this mess, NOT the DCTA. I asked for help and they chose not to return my e-mails. Andrea is actually interested in hearing and listening to my parents about this decision to not rehire. She wants to do something to help. Shame on the DCTA for not supporting the most vocal board member “For Teachers.”
I’m very disappointed to hear this news. Andrea, you have been an amazing supporter of teachers and students. I really appreciate your endless work and efforts to improve DPS.
Now is not the time to be supporting any non rehire status’ placed on teachers by admin. DPS is supporting principals to a use this non rehire as well as non renewal weapon for any reason to clear out teachers. It’s being abused and teachers are intimidated by this powerful weapon. The practice runs counter to DPS supposed values and statements of supporting teachers. Ask around even at high achieving schools like Bromwell or Southmoor and see what you hear about how teachers fear speaking their minds for fear of being unable to work in DPS ever again
Unfortunately, having looked at many cases directly (no other board member looked at them to the same degree of depth I did), I can honestly say that some cases were warranted. I’m sorry, but I’m not going to put an ineffective teacher’s career over the needs of students. In fact, in some cases, the probationary status for some of the teachers was extended to the SIXTH YEAR, by different principals. What does that tell you?
At the same time, there is fairness needed. I’m writing a resolution to provide guidance to the Superintendent, and I’m presenting it at Thursday’s meeting.
Incidentally, Jeanne Kaplan and Arturo Jimenez voted yes on non-renewals last year without challenging any of them, which is not what I did. I investigated and voted no. Where’s the accountability for their vote?