Here are my picks for today.
- An opinion piece about the value of charter schools as the Washington state legislature considers them.
- Nationally-recognized educator and researcher Linda Darling-Hammond makes a great commentary about current reform efforts and “redlining” the “lowest-performing” schools. Why does this matter? Many of our schools are diverse in ethnicity and income levels. When the most at-risk kids suffer, it has broad implications for an entire school…just ask Merrill Middle School parents.
- The district is proposing to extend the middle school day for DPS students without much parent input, and as a result, the teacher’s union strikes back in favor of families. What do you think?
- Here’s David Sirota’s new piece about how all this talk about “not having the right skilled labor from America” is a jab at education and an excuse to justify offshoring of jobs. Agreed.
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