I’ve decided to start a new feature here at my website, which is a list of notable links related to education, politics and child-related issues. The intention is to do this daily, or at least as frequently as I can.
Let me know what you think. Here are today’s picks:
- Commentary on the “parent trigger,” which is the basis for a bill working its way through the Colorado legislature this year. It’s written by my Parents Across America colleague, Caroline Grannan.
- A teacher’s testimony on what No Child Left Behind and today’s test-driven school culture has done to push her out of her beloved career.
- Some inspiration for parents who want to be public education activists. Just do it!
- David Sirota’s commentary on the elites that make decisions about our schools but who don’t condescend to send their own children to them.
I’m interested in hearing what you think about these pieces. Please leave a comment!