Passing on some really good suggestions to you today (if I do say so myself). Check these out:
- I just wrote a piece for Philadelphia’s The Notebook, a journal for supporters of public education. I wish our administration’s reform choices were worthy of the effort of our whip-smart kids, hard-working and innovative teachers and dedicated and wonderful parents.
- Much of what passes for education reform comes straight from the University of Chicago School of Economics and not from real education research, and while data is important, what’s equally important is to heed it. Dr. Richard Rothsten points out the disconnect between what “reformers” say and what actually happens.
- The 5 biggest lies about the right-wing corporate-backed war on our schools offers a good primer on the privatization threats to our public education system. It’s important to read this piece in the context of the downside of bipartisanship, especially when there’s collusion between liberals and conservatives to strip opportunity away from kids. It’s a good discussion about the fallacy of “school choice” (hint: it’s the schools who choose, while students lose).
- ELL Common Assumptions vs. The Evidence is a report from the American Institutes of Research that dispels some myths about how students who speak Spanish at home actually learn English best. Contrary to popular belief, immersion is not the way to go. I swear by this report.
- A really important discussion on how race plays into the school-to-jail pipeline.
- Well, this is really a must-watch, but devote 6 minutes of your time to watch the truth about what Stand for Children is all about.
As usual, please read, comment here about what you think, and share with others.
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