Here’s some great stuff to check out today:
- Kids and parents, this podcast gives a great run-down of the difference between tattling and telling. Speaking up when someone is being hurt is really, really important. Here’s how to tell the difference between the two.
- Should we use test scores to evaluate teachers? No, and here’s why. As an aside, in Denver, when part of the teacher’s job is to bring kids to English proficiency, and we don’t even use the kids’ English-proficiency exam scores as part of how we evaluate the teacher, then you know you have a problem.
- What is a turnaround, and what actually works? It’s not just a question of firing the principal and teachers, à la North High School. It’s actually something deeper and more meaningful. I’m a big fan of Dr. Pedro Noguera, and he’s co-written a piece that offers important food for thought. Note: you may have to register for free to read the whole article.
- Here’s some incredibly important commentary about the education portion of the President’s State of the Union address from Tuesday. Anthony Cody is an Oakland-based master teacher who is recognized nationally for his writing on the teaching profession. He stated very eloquently what I thought too.
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