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Poverty, PISA and the power of working families

Well, this week the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released the results of its world-famous study, the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) for 2012.  The release of this data causes flurry of activity and commentary in...

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On the different yard stick for some

So why is it that when many people of color broach topics relating to privilege, we’re automatically overreacting? I think privilege itself causes normally kind and gentle people to circle their wagons around their own.

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Some parting thoughts

I'm very grateful for the nice comments from my friend, Guerin Green, on the occasion of the end of my term on the Denver Board of Education.   I'm humbled.  Thank you.

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I’m not running for re-election

After much heart-wrenching deliberation, I have decided not to run for a second term as the southwest representative on the Denver Board of Education. I believe that high-stakes standardized testing is destroying public education today. Simultaneously, giant dollars...

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