Title: Parents Across America – Metro Denver chapter kickoff
Location: Kepner Middle School, 911 S. Hazel Ct.
Description: Do you care about real education reform that gives parents a full voice in what happens to their children? Do you care about a community coming together to support a school? Then this invitation is for you.
Parents Across America (PAA) is a non-partisan, non-profit grassroots organization that connects parents and activists from across the U.S. to share ideas and work together on improving our nation’s public schools.
Parents Across America was founded by a group of activist parents who recognized the need to collaborate for positive change, rather than remain entrenched in separate battles in our local communities. Since the top-down forces that are imposing their will on our schools have become national in scope, we need to be as well.
At our metro Denver chapter kickoff, we’ll learn more about PAA positions and even talk to some of PAA’s founders via Skype.
Please join us, and please share this invitation with anyone you know that cares about preserving and transforming public education while keeping parents at the table in school reform.
For more information about Parents Across America, please visit http://parentsacrossamerica.org/, or email andream@parentsacrossamerica.org.
Start Time: 06:30
Date: 2012-02-21
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