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Another take on Everyday Math

In all fairness, and because I promised, here’s another video, this time touting DPS’ work with Everyday Math.  A former teacher asked me to. I’m still feeling like we need a blend of teaching/learning approaches for our math curriculum....

What’s your take on Everyday Math?

I stumbled across this video the other day, and I really want to get your feedback on it. Everyday Math is the math curriculum that Denver Public Schools uses for the elementary grades.  It’s a “constructivist” curriculum, or (from what I can gather)...

Pension deal put to bed…for now

Well, we did it.  Tonight, we approved a deal that would place 50 percent of the interest-rate swaps into fixed-rate instruments, and the rest still in swaps.  It was, I think, a good compromise, given the current state of the market and the impact on our cash flow....

Sewing up the pension bonds

With April 24 looms an important deadline for DPS’ finances.  This is the date in which one of the key stakeholders in our volatile pension financing scheme contractually bows out of the deal, potentially leaving us with having to cough up $750 million in cash...