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I’m fortunate to be attending the SOS March at the end of this month.  This is the inaugural event for teachers, parents and students to make their stand in Washington and say NO to the failed results of No Child Left Behind.

I will be making appointments for Thursday, July 28 to lobby our legislators in the Colorado delegation (Udall and Bennet, DeGette, Polis, Tipton, Gardner, Lamborn, Coffman, Perlmutter).  What would you like me to tell them about the way NCLB is affecting our Colorado kids?  Tell me in the comment section below.

In the meantime, check the SOS website for more information.  Parents Across America (I’m a founding member) is working on a simulcast of the events, so stay tuned for details.  Of course, if you happen to be going, let me know, so we can “represent” Colorado style.