by tech | Feb 23, 2013 | Community, EduPolicy, Must-reads
We need no further evidence that the “reformies” of Denver Public Schools really are talking down to you, doublespeaking or pretending to take note of what you want, than the recent review of a guide on how to convince communities that privatization is...
by tech | Feb 29, 2012 | Must-reads
Today we’re taking a look at the concept of evaluating teachers through the use of test scores, which is a new flashpoint from New York City. A judge has just allowed the New York City Schools to publish the test score averages of every teacher in the district....
by tech | Feb 28, 2012 | Must-reads
While this article is very strongly worded, I agree. What do you think? Is teacher bashing really an anti-woman stance? Can we ever really measure student achievement with any accuracy? This retired math and science teacher doesn’t think so. Why is the U.S....
by tech | Feb 27, 2012 | Must-reads
Great stuff today! Why is it that all of a sudden, we have so many strong readers on remediation? Veteran teacher and curriculum designer Marion Brady gives us some insight into this. At our Parents Across America Denver chapter kickoff last week, we had a wonderful...
by tech | Feb 21, 2012 | Must-reads
If you haven’t RSVPd for the metro Denver chapter of Parents Across America’s kickoff, tonight at 6:30 at Kepner Middle School, here are the details. And today’s must-read articles: How healthy is our democracy, and how are our schools helping or...
by tech | Feb 20, 2012 | Must-reads
Happy Presidents’ Day! Why should childless families, or anyone with no kids in school, care about public education? This article gives us some insight. The Brookings Institute has just released a study on the real factors that can improve student achievement...
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