- A great guest commentary in yesterday’s Denver Post about the importance of opting out kids from the CSAP/TCAP.
- This is an important piece about Colorado’s college remediation rates and how well (or not) DPS is preparing kids for college. Hint: it’s getting worse.
- I felt a slight rumble in the earth when I read this op-ed from a couple of the “reform” devotees on DPS’ remediation rate. I sense a disturbance in the force…(just kidding)
- Parents Across America is hosting a national conference call about how to push back on the corporate reform agenda. It’s free (except for any phone long distance charges), and here are the details.
- Dr. Nancy Carlsson Paige (Matt Damon’s mom…yes, THAT Matt Damon) has a lot to say about how the test-prep mentality is hurting kids in the younger grades.
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